Cassandra Mason
I am a homeschool mom of 2 daughters and have been with my husband for 22 years. Homeschooling was never a part of our plan. Honestly, I was the mom who swore I would NEVER homeschool my children. The stereotypes, the fallacies, I believed them all.

About Cassandra
Until the day came when I didn’t have a choice. The world had shut down. I was going to homeschool whether I liked it or not. During that school year I discovered a community I never knew existed. Yes community. I know, how can that be when homeschoolers never leave the house or socialize? I was equally shocked! I just had to learn more!
I couldn’t believe what I found. Parents were choosing what they wanted their children learning…and what they didn’t want them learning. They weren’t practicing lock down drills in case of a shooter or worried about bullying. Children were not being force fed a bunch of false ideologies. It was kids doing what they do best, being kids. I loved what I saw. I felt it in my bones. This is what I was supposed to be doing. But could I really do this? I was just a homemaker. Could education really be homemade?
Then it hit me. I was actually questioning my ability to teach my own children, something I have been doing since the day they were born. That somehow strangers knew better than I did. Although I still believe it takes a village to raise a child, I didn’t realize another village was out there.
I know a decision like this comes with many doubts. I questioned myself constantly. Until I learned It is not about having a degree in education, but your willingness to do whatever it takes to ensure your children have a good education. I dont think there is a person on this planet more invested in your childs future than you. With all the resources and the internet at your fingertips, there has never been a better time to homeschool!
I have learned so much during my time homeschooling. I have made the most amazing connections and beautiful friendships. One of those friendships led to me co-creating this website! I am excited you found us and where homeschooling might take you! I want to make it a mission to help others on this journey. So let me be the first to say, welcome to the hub!